Sunday, November 28, 2010

Water Ranch

I took a short walk this afternoon at the Water Ranch in Gilbert.  There were just tons of ducks on the ponds, along with a smattering of other birds.  In this shot there are Mallards, Northern Pintails and one Green-winged Teal.

Along with the ducks, there were a lot of egrets and herons, including this one:

I also saw coots, Black-crowned Night Herons, Black-necked Stilts, Kildeer, hummingbirds, sparrows, a Black Phoebe, a flock of blackbirds (I couldn't get close enough to see if they were red-winged), and several others.  It's been a pretty good time for birds recently, with very cool encounters with a Barn Owl and two Great Horned Owls, plus a hawk, all near my house.